Herd Quitter™ Blog
Tagging Calves –
Many cow-calf producers think it is sacrilegious to not ear tag calves at birth. Most do it because they have always done it. Several years ago, the PCC Discussion Group came up with several “Kooky Notions” that the members used to...
The Three Cs –
Circumstances are where you are right now. You had no control over some of your circumstances. Circumstances of your birth and childhood, for example, are not the result of any choices you made. Other circumstances, however, are the...
The Ladder of Success –
If success was easy, everyone would be remarkably successful. Unfortunately, very few people can be classified as remarkably successful. Success, however, does appear to be very easy for some people – but if you look closer, you will...
The Driving Force –
The driving force behind our program is the desire to help cow-calf producers make their business as profitable, enjoyable and sustainable as possible. That’s what wakes us up in the morning. That’s what keeps us going. Once you see...
One Down and Two to Go –
Our first-ever Virtual Bull Sale went off without a hitch. It was strange not to have 200+ people in the seats. Last year, we served lunch to 288 people at our Missouri Bull Sale. Nearly all the seats were full. This year, the entire Missouri Bull Sale took place in...
Time to Change Horses –
Visualize, if you will, an old cowpoke riding an old plug horse that stumbles along at a very slow pace with its head just a foot off the ground. I believe the cowpoke in this image represents a lot of today’s cow-calf producers – perhaps most of today’s...
Resistance to Change –
People hate change! Nowhere is this more prevalent than in agriculture. It seems to take years for people in agriculture to make simple changes – even though they know the change will be for their own good. I must confess that I too...
Coronavirus… Gone Amuck –
News, around the world, has been focused on the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Therefore, we thought we should share some of our thoughts from a little different perspective. Although serious in nature, I think we can agree the mainstream media has blown this thing way out of proportion. Unfortunately, the reason for some of this seems to be political in nature.
Buyer Beware –
There are a few bull marketers who are trying to mimic what Pharo Cattle Company says and does. We have no problem with that – but we encourage buyers to beware. I’m sure these bull marketers do some things right – but no one even comes...
The Diet Factor –
In last week’s PCC Update, Tim Goodnight said, “Without discounting the importance of body condition at calving, I think it is important to understand that the plane of gain an animal is experiencing is equally – if not more important. Research shows that...