Bad Decisions

Bad Decisions

We all make poor decisions. Some are minor, like eating that second donut for breakfast. Some are major, like losing all your money in the stock market. Even worse, sometimes the fear of making the wrong decision paralyzes us and keeps us from making any decision....
Bad Decisions


It’s finally spring and our cows are just starting to calve. This is my favorite time of year. Yes, I know, summer calving would probably be much easier, but there is a high demand for spring PCC yearling bulls and we live in the nice part of Wyoming where the winters...
Bad Decisions

Professionals vs. Amateurs

A recent blog from Farnam Street on success caught my attention. The blog pointed out that the one thing that stands out when it comes to success is mindset. If you want results, you need to approach things like a professional, not an amateur. It all comes down to...
Bad Decisions

Stand Out from the Average

In a world where everyone wants to be “average,” PCC has challenged farmers and ranchers to be different. Most people don’t want the attention that comes with being different. Most people would rather blend in with the status quo herd. I challenge you to be different,...
Bad Decisions

Results Follow Effort

As a coach, I’m always pushing my wrestlers to give 100% effort. “Work hard,” “Compete until the end,” “Push yourself,” and “Pick up the pace!” are some of my favorite quips. Effort is a great matrix for my wrestlers to measure themselves against. Did I try my best?...