Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

No matter what business you’re in, having a competitive advantage is a good thing. It is often the difference between mere survival and amazing success. There’s no reason you cannot have a competitive advantage – if you want one. Who wouldn’t want one? There are three...
Competitive Advantage

Change Before You Have To

Make Ranching Great Again The business of ranching can be much better than many people have been led to believe – but only for those who are not being restrained by outdated traditions and paradigms. We believe the sky is the limit for those who have enough courage to...
Competitive Advantage

Overlooking the Obvious

I do not understand how so many intelligent people in the beef industry can continue to overlook the obvious. Perhaps, instead of overlooking the obvious, they are ignoring the obvious. Perhaps they are ignoring the obvious because the obvious is not a popular...
Competitive Advantage

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

“Human beings never think for themselves.   For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told – and become upset if they are exposed to any different view.   The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity”   ~ Michael Crichton...