Forage Test Index and Grass Efficiency

Forage Test Index and Grass Efficiency

I had a nice visit early this morning with a longtime customer from Western Wyoming. I thought I would share a portion of that discussion with you. This customer wanted to know what connection (if any) there is between our Forage Test Index and our Grass Efficiency...
Forage Test Index and Grass Efficiency

Low-Stress Weaning

Good for the Calves… Good for the Cows… Good for You. Weaning is the process of separating a calf from its mother. It typically takes place in the fall of the year. It can be a very traumatic time for both the cow and her calf. The key to success is to...
Forage Test Index and Grass Efficiency

Systems Approach

I was reminded last week that, unlike other seedstock producers, Pharo Cattle Company™ takes a Systems Approach to the business of producing and marketing bulls to other ranchers. The more I think about it, the more I think this subject needs more discussion. I can...
Forage Test Index and Grass Efficiency

The PBR Finals

Deanna and I spent last Saturday and Sunday at the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) Finals in Fort Worth, Texas. Deanna’s sisters Donna and Debbie and Debbie’s husband Ron went with us. We always have a great time – no matter where we are. As I said last week,...