As many of you know, the Missouri bull evaluation was moved up four days to miss the BLAST of arctic air coming through this week. To make that happen required all members of the PCC™ crew to adapt, adjust and sacrifice.
Most of us were dreading the long hours and long drives in the short time we had to get everything done. However, what we thought was going to be a miserable few days turned out to be a BLAST! It is always a BLAST to hang out with other members of the PCC crew!

Kit seems to be as adaptable as his cattle. He is sound asleep in the backseat of his Jeep as I drive us from Mountain Grove, Missouri, to Cameron, Texas. That was not the case last year.
As I drove last year, Kit seemed a bit nervous and asked me to “slow down” every now and then. Once, he pointed to some crosses in the bar ditch and said, “People have died here!” It seems as though Kit has adapted to my driving!
Kit’s Clarification:
Last year, the Missouri roads were icy and I didn’t think it was always appropriate to set the cruise control at the posted speed limit. As some of you know, Rob is a great preacher and story teller. Rob likes to look you in the eyes as he tells his stories. He will often glance back at the road between sentences. Rob also has a habit of talking with his hands – and sometimes both hands are required to tell the story correctly. You will seldom see both of his hands on the doughnut. Rob refers to the steering wheel as the doughnut. Therefore, if I can sleep like a baby when Rob is driving, I must truly be adapting!