Having A Blast…Missing The Blast

Colorado Bull Workdays

I spent the first part of last week evaluating bulls at PCC headquarters in Colorado. The weather wasn’t too bad; it even rained a little bit. The bulls looked good, and I got a good start on my sale research. I’ll save the bulk of the research for later this fall....
Having A Blast…Missing The Blast

Gearing Up

We just finished up our county fair this past week and school will start soon. I can’t believe that summer is almost over! People are gearing up for back-to-school and trying to get one last weekend at the lake or camping trip in the mountains. I’m also gearing up and...
Having A Blast…Missing The Blast

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Crazy Times in a Crazy World — By Kit Pharo I have inhabited this world for most of seven decades — and I do not remember a time as crazy as the current times! Just when I think the world can’t get any crazier, it does! I wonder what my grandparents would think if...
Having A Blast…Missing The Blast

Q and A –

Question:  I’m sure you have explained this before.   Why are your bulls able to cover more cows than bulls coming out of other programs?  Also, I am wondering how many cows you recommend putting with a bull. Answer: The fact that our bulls can...
Having A Blast…Missing The Blast

Sex Is NOT Work

Have you ever heard a veterinarian or a seedstock producer caution against overworking a bull, especially a young bull?   What do they mean?   How can you overwork a bull?   When someone advises you against overworking a bull, they are...