There is a Difference!

There is a Difference!

I put together several groups of replacement heifers last year with the goal of selling them as bred heifers. I made sure to buy reputable heifers as I didn’t want to deal with all the issues of sale barn cattle. I put together over 400 heifers and planned to expose...
There is a Difference!


It’s finally spring and our cows are just starting to calve. This is my favorite time of year. Yes, I know, summer calving would probably be much easier, but there is a high demand for spring PCC yearling bulls and we live in the nice part of Wyoming where the winters...
There is a Difference!

PCC is Going International

Luis Valles is a rancher from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. After studying our program and our philosophies, he became very excited about the potential future of beef production in Mexico. His goal is to help revolutionize beef production at the cow-calf level in...