The Successful Learn Vicariously


I’m in the middle of wrestling season. We were at a tough tournament this past weekend with top kids from Nebraska and Wyoming. It was challenging to say the least! Some of my wrestlers were getting down on themselves thinking that wrestling at that level was...
The Successful Learn Vicariously

Stick to the Basics

It’s only the second week in January. How are the New Year’s resolutions coming along? If you couldn’t tell, I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Make goals and work towards them, or don’t, but don’t make half-hearted resolutions that are forgotten in a week....
The Successful Learn Vicariously

Formula for Success

As we approach the New Year, it’s time to start setting some new goals. To be clear, I’m not a fan of resolutions. Resolutions are short-lived, have poor success rates and are often regurgitated failed attempts from the previous years. Who wants to...
The Successful Learn Vicariously

It’s Not Complicated

I can be an “intellectual” at times, theorizing solutions to complex problems. While these whimsical daydreams can be fun, they are rarely practical. Farnam Street explains why: “Smart people are uniquely vulnerable to mistaking complexity for insight. An executive...