#167 – Sentimental Gifts

by | Dec 24, 2024 | Herd Quitter™ Minute | 3 comments

I grew up with a toy tractor in one hand and the fender grip of a John Deere 4020 in the other. I have since restored one, lost it, and was looking to replace it. My wife is understanding of my sentimentalism, so she said, “Happy Birthday . . . and Merry Christmas.”

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  1. Linda

    Understand Yes

  2. Greg Kilgour

    Congratulations on your birthday purchase and all the best in your endeavors to reclaim its old spark. After seeing the pictures of your previous tractor we are all just glad that you are still here among us .Hope you had a very blessed and happy family Christmas.

  3. Mary Beth Fischer

    4020 powershift, my favorite. I totally understand


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