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More Tenet® Talk

This is a guest post written by Frank Hendrix of Callipyge Genetics and Tenet® Beef. I have a theory about why so many Pharo Cattle Company™ animals are testing positive for Tenet®. We’ve been working on the beef tenderness problem for 38 years. After successfully...
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Time Management

There never seems to be enough time to get things done. Like I say, “If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would ever get done!” How true, but also how stressful. We all could use better time management, myself included. A quote in Farnam Street this week made me...
More Tenet® Talk

Is There A Correlation?

This is a guest post written by Frank Hendrix of Callipyge Genetics and Tenet® Beef. Several people have asked, “Is there a correlation between beef marbling and Tenet® Certification?” The short answer is not much. Let me explain. Marbling was established as the...
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The Future Can Be Yours

The future belongs to those who are not afraid to learn and change. This applies to people from all walks of life! Unfortunately, that will be a minority because most people (from all walks of life) have an aversion to change. As silly as it sounds, many people would...
More Tenet® Talk

Frank the TENET® Guy

As I said previously here and here concerning the enormous lack of consistency in beef tenderness, Frank Hendrix and his team have created a DNA test that identifies beef animals with the highest level of beef tenderness. Frank says it is 99 to 100 percent accurate!...
More Tenet® Talk

Cow Size

The topic of cow size has been rehashed numerous times. Various opinions float around as to what is the ideal size and why. This was recently discussed on the PCC Discussion Group. I thought I would share some of what was said. First, moderate-sized, easy-fleshing...