Perfect Conditions

Perfect Conditions

Farnam Street shared the following insight in their weekly blog: “Waiting for perfect conditions is how otherwise intelligent people keep themselves stuck. Two entrepreneurs spot the same opportunity. One builds elaborate plans; the other tests crude prototypes. The...
Perfect Conditions


Pharo Cattle Company™ understands that to be successful in ranching you must be profitable and enjoy what you are doing. Profitable and enjoyable go hand in hand. They feed off each other. One without the other is not sustainable. Similarly, when you have one without...
Perfect Conditions


We know how to work in agriculture. We can put in long hours with little rest. Whether it’s calving, planting, harvesting, weaning, or haying, we have no problem with hard work. What if I told you there was more to ranching than just hard work and determination?...
Perfect Conditions

Time Management

There never seems to be enough time to get things done. Like I say, “If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would ever get done!” How true, but also how stressful. We all could use better time management, myself included. A quote in Farnam Street this week made me...
Perfect Conditions

Cow Size

The topic of cow size has been rehashed numerous times. Various opinions float around as to what is the ideal size and why. This was recently discussed on the PCC Discussion Group. I thought I would share some of what was said. First, moderate-sized, easy-fleshing...