Leading-Edge Genetics

Leading-Edge Genetics

For over 30 years, Pharo Cattle Company™ has been your source for low-input / high-profit genetics that will increase your pounds and profit per acre. For 30 years, we have been your source for grass-efficient genetics. For over 20 years, we have been your source for...
Leading-Edge Genetics

Getting Your Money’s Worth

When purchasing bulls, cost is always a factor – but it should not be the only factor. First and foremost, you should consider the program behind the bulls. Bulls that are produced in a program that aligns with your long-term goals are worth a whole lot more than...
Leading-Edge Genetics

Success Requires Action

If success was easy, everyone would be remarkably successful. Unfortunately, very few people can be classified as remarkably successful. Success, however, does appear to be easy for some people. If you look closer, you will discover those people make things happen....
Leading-Edge Genetics

BEEF…Guaranteed Tender

This is a guest post written by Frank Hendrix of Callipyge Genetics and Tenet® Beef. Have you ever gone out to eat and ordered a steak that provided a less-than-enjoyable eating experience? It’s happened to me more than I would like to confess. According to USDA...
Leading-Edge Genetics

Talk is Cheap

When I returned home from spending some time at the cabin last week, I had a HUGE pile of status quo ag publications and sale catalogs stacked up and waiting for me to go through. I don’t spend much time reading status quo articles – but I do like to keep up on what...