Wedge-Shaped Cows and Bulls

Wedge-Shaped Cows and Bulls

When you look at a cow from the side and from the top, she should get wider and deeper from her head to her rear. This wedge shape is very indicative of fertility, grass efficiency and productivity. When you look at a bull from the side and from the top, he should be...
Wedge-Shaped Cows and Bulls

The Whiz Kids on Fly Control

Every spring, the status quo Whiz Kids start talking about horn fly control. Until this year, these discussions quickly morphed into lengthy comparisons of toxic chemicals. I’m sure that discussion is just around the corner. There has never been and there never will...
Wedge-Shaped Cows and Bulls

Forage Test Index and Grass Efficiency

I had a nice visit early this morning with a longtime customer from Western Wyoming. I thought I would share a portion of that discussion with you. This customer wanted to know what connection (if any) there is between our Forage Test Index and our Grass Efficiency...
Wedge-Shaped Cows and Bulls

The Whiz Kids on Open Cows

The status quo Whiz Kids always have many discussions going on. Most do not interest me. However, one about open cows caught my attention late last week. One forum member said he usually has 15% open cows in a 90-day breeding season. He wanted to know what to...
Wedge-Shaped Cows and Bulls

The Biggest Bang…

Bull sales around the country are averaging a lot more this winter than ever before! That shouldn’t surprise us because cattle prices are higher than ever before. Believe it or not, a 500-pound steer is worth a Whopping $1000 More than he was worth just five years...