There never seems to be enough time to get things done. Like I say, “If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would ever get done!” How true, but also how stressful. We all could use better time management, myself included.

A quote in Farnam Street this week made me stop and think about time management: “You don’t need more time. You need more focus. Time isn’t the constraint. Your choices are.”

How true! If I made better choices and didn’t procrastinate so much, how much more could I accomplish? What would my limitations be?

Life is full of distractions that make us lose focus. Some are great, like kids – but others can be hard to get control of. Things like smart phones, apps, emails, text messages, phone calls, social media, etc., etc. keep us from focusing on the things that really need to be done.

If you are still on the fence on some critical issues, maybe you can use your newfound time to pencil out spring vs. summer calving, direct marketing vs. selling weaned calves, or the true value of a PCC™ bull. The point is, we have plenty of things to focus on!

Kicking the can down the road is not a good business plan! Set aside some time when you can eliminate distractions and focus on some important issues facing your farm or ranch. Come up with some concrete solutions and stick to them. You will be amazed at the progress you can make.

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

Focus on being productive instead of busy.” ~ Tim Ferriss

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