As we approach Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think of all the things I am thankful for. One of the easiest ways to improve your situation in life is to practice gratefulness.

When I think of gratitude, I often think of saying “Thank you,” but it’s much more than that. The Art of Manliness says gratitude is an attitude that we live with every day. The thankfulness of the grateful person lifts their mood and gives meaning to their life. Likewise, the constant whining of the ungrateful person begins to corrupt their soul. They begin to feel cheated and can only see the things that are wrong. Their life is a drudgery, and they are never satisfied.

The Art of Manliness sums it up nicely: “Some people think if they had more stuff or better luck, then they would magically have more gratitude. But the number of your material possessions or relationships will have no effect on your attitude. Once you got those things, you’d simply start thinking about new things you wanted. Gratitude is an attitude that can be cultivated in whatsoever circumstances you find yourself in. It’s not about good things happening to you, it’s about finding new layers of wonderfulness in the things that you have right now.”

One way to practice gratefulness is by listing the things you are grateful for. Another way is to say “thank you” more often. When saying “thank you,” be specific. Generalized statements can feel canned and ungenuine. You will be surprised how much of a difference it will make.

Practicing gratefulness is one of the greatest salves for the entitlement syndrome plaguing our country. May we be grateful for the many blessings we have received and thankful for God’s infinite mercy. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

“Start each day with a positive attitude and a grateful heart.” ~ Roy T. Bennett

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