Summer is one of the busiest times of the year for agriculture operations. From daily moves in a rotational grazing system to haying to breeding season, things just don’t slow down. It often feels like there is hardly any time to breathe.

The 4th of July is timed perfectly for a well-needed break! We take time to recover from the daily grind and thank God for this country we live in. Even though it’s flawed, it’s still the greatest country on earth.

The Founding Fathers intended for America to be governed based on Christian principles. Our country has strayed far from that and it’s quite apparent in our national politics! Although I try to avoid the mainstream media as much as possible, it’s hard not to notice what is going on.

Many of the rural areas are insulated from the DC and big city sewers. Thank God! This is a great hope for many of us. Let’s keep our local communities free from all the garbage and corruption we see going on around us.

Many people ask what they can do. My favorite response is “it starts at home.” Let’s do our part to raise our kids with a solid set of morals and a good work ethic. Make sure we give them a good foundation to fall back on. After all, they will be the ones solving the problems of the future!

This 4th of July, enjoy some down time with family and friends, remember those who sacrificed everything for the freedoms we now enjoy, and above all, pray for our country!

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