Once again, Farnam Street had some great thoughts! A quote from one of their “Tiny Thoughts” had this to say, “Keep the goal. Change your mind about how to reach it. One sign you’re getting in your own way, is not changing your tactics when you’re not getting the results you want.”

Please read that again. How many times do we struggle to make a profit doing the same thing year after year? Somehow, we think maybe this time it will work. Folks, we need to change tactics!

For me, I stopped playing games I couldn’t win. For example, I quit selling calves at the local sale barn. They would get docked if they weren’t black, if they were full, if they were small, if they were too big, etc. I couldn’t win, so I changed tactics and started direct marketing.

I have a childhood friend I just reconnected with. He is leasing his family’s place and decided to quit haying it. He saw early on that he wasn’t making any money putting up hay. He is in the process of converting it all to grazing. He is changing tactics.

Are you feeding too much hay during the winter? Are you pulling calves during calving season? Are you struggling to make a decent living – even with these record-high cattle prices? If so, IT’S TIME TO CHANGE TACTICS!

One of the easiest changes you can make is buying better bulls. Pharo Cattle Company is the industry leader in low-input, calving-ease bulls that can make you more money. Don’t wait another year to change tactics. Make the decision to start now. Time is of the essence!

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

“Life won’t wait for you. If you want something, get up and go after it!”

Robert Kiyosaki
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