Herd Quitter™ Minute Logo
Herd Quitter™ Minute Logo
#118 – Twins: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

#118 – Twins: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Twins are not normal or desired in beef cattle, however, it does occasionally happen, and sometimes for the good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?loop=1&v=MKE38gdmcak&list=PLSpP--7TbVItPcvRmNfEugZ0Hu8SfIOay&index=118

#117 – Moving Heifers

#117 – Moving Heifers

We moved heifers this morning. I'm pretty happy with their condition and their performance on some dry, brushy pasture. Kit Pharo claims the right genetics will perform in any environment, and they have proven that to be true....

#116 – What is a Herd Quitter?

#116 – What is a Herd Quitter?

People often see our bumper sticker and ask, "What is a Herd Quitter?" Here's a quick explanation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?loop=1&v=L6Y25iP5o-E&list=PLSpP--7TbVItPcvRmNfEugZ0Hu8SfIOay&index=116

#115 – Attend Bull Workdays

#115 – Attend Bull Workdays

It's time once again for Pharo Cattle Company™ to bring in the bulls for their upcoming sale and evaluate them extensively for some real-world traits that affect profitability. These scores will be provided in the catalog for our customers to make more informed...

#114 – What’s a Good Bull Worth?

#114 – What’s a Good Bull Worth?

Kit Pharo often asks, ""What's a bull worth that can breed more cows for more years? More than you'll ever have to pay for him."" https://www.youtube.com/watch?loop=1&v=cM9SOuN-yaE&list=PLSpP--7TbVItPcvRmNfEugZ0Hu8SfIOay&index=114

#113 – The Value of Friends

#113 – The Value of Friends

Sometimes we take friends and neighbors for granted until we get in a tight spot. Since my accident, we have been overwhelmed by the response from our family, friends and neighbors....

The Latest from our Herd Quitter™ Blog

Is There A Correlation?

This is a guest post written by Frank Hendrix of Callipyge Genetics and Tenet® Beef. Several people have asked, “Is there a correlation between beef marbling and Tenet® Certification?” The short answer is not much. Let me explain. Marbling was established as the primary factor in USDA beef quality determination and grading in 1964. It hasn’t changed since then. In 1964 the average price of a home was $10,000, the price of a car was $1,200 and cattle were much...

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