Manager vs. Leader

Manager vs. Leader

Eighty-eight percent of the Fortune 500 companies that existed in 1955 are gone. Poof! Half of them withered because they had a manager in the role of CEO when they desperately needed a leader. The others were destroyed by a leader when a manager could have held the...
Manager vs. Leader

Deanna’s Cat

Deanna’s cat has doubled in size since we took him to our mountain cabin a little over two months ago. I don’t know what his name is, but I call him Walter in honor of Walter the Cat in the Chevy Silverado commercials. For a good laugh, watch the two videos below....
Manager vs. Leader

Bend in the Road

Helen Keller once said, “A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn.”   That’s a very simple, yet profound, statement! It applies to all people in all walks of life. It has application for me – and it has application for you! What...
Manager vs. Leader

Happy Thanksgiving

Most Americans will be getting together with family and friends tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.   Perhaps the following Old Testament verses will help prepare us for this special day. When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good...
Sissy Bulls… and Fat, Dry Cows

Sissy Bulls… and Fat, Dry Cows

Sissy Bulls… and Fat, Dry Cows In my recent travels, I have seen several cowherds from the roads and highways. I have also seen several bulls. Some cowherds still have the bulls running with them. Many of the bulls I have seen don’t look much like bulls. They have a...