Are You Enjoying the BEST of TIMES?

Are You Enjoying the BEST of TIMES?

Since God created the very first cow, we have never ever experienced cattle prices as high as they are right now! This should be the BEST of TIMES for cow-calf producers – but you will find very few who are doing the Happy Dance. Are you enjoying the BEST of TIMES?...
Are You Enjoying the BEST of TIMES?

Retail Beef Demand

In our Winter 2024 Newsletter, I shared an article entitled “BEEF… How High is Too High.” As cattle prices increase, the cost of beef in the local grocery store also increases. How high can the cost of beef go before beef is replaced by cheaper forms of protein like...
Are You Enjoying the BEST of TIMES?

Zero Tolerance

From the very beginning (40 years ago), Pharo Cattle Company has had Zero Tolerance for cows that do not live up to our expectations. Suffice it to say our expectations are much higher than anyone else’s in the registered business. Most cows, with enough inputs, can...
Are You Enjoying the BEST of TIMES?

Shortsighted Cattlemen

The world, so it seems, is full of shortsighted cattlemen. Shortsighted cattlemen refuse to consider the future when making management decisions. They refuse to acknowledge the world is constantly changing. They will continue to make decisions based on the past – and...
Are You Enjoying the BEST of TIMES?

It Won’t Cost a Dime

The first step most cow-calf producers need to take to start maximizing their profits and building wealth will not cost them a single dime and it will not require any physical labor. It will require nothing more than a change in thinking. Producers must STOP focusing...