Change Before You Have To

Change Before You Have To

Make Ranching Great Again The business of ranching can be much better than many people have been led to believe – but only for those who are not being restrained by outdated traditions and paradigms. We believe the sky is the limit for those who have enough courage to...
Change Before You Have To

Overlooking the Obvious

I do not understand how so many intelligent people in the beef industry can continue to overlook the obvious. Perhaps, instead of overlooking the obvious, they are ignoring the obvious. Perhaps they are ignoring the obvious because the obvious is not a popular...
Change Before You Have To

Bull to Cow Ratio

Recently, I have had several phone conversations with customers and potential customers about how many cows you should run with a bull during breeding season. As you might expect, there is a big difference between what status quo bull producers recommend and what...
Change Before You Have To

Two Trucks

When I was putting together my presentation for the recent Holistic Management Canada conference, my wife Deanna said, “Don’t forget the two trucks.” It has been several years since I shared the Two Trucks slide in a presentation. Since it provides a great visual aid...