Farnam Street shared the following insight in their weekly blog:
“Optimism is a performance-enhancing drug that’s both legal and free. While experts predicted failure, Sam Walton opened discount stores in small towns. When critics said ‘too risky,’ FedEx launched overnight delivery. While pessimists write reports, optimists write history.”
When faced with challenges, our default coping mechanism is often pessimism. While it’s good to be grounded in reality, a bad attitude can do a lot more harm than just ruin your day. Concepts like “the power of positive thinking” and “what you think about, you bring about” are not just cliché sayings, they are powerful words that bring about change!
Optimism helps us look for the good in any situation. You either win, or you learn. There is no such thing as failure for the optimistic person.
With this mindset, there is nothing we can’t accomplish! Yes, unbridled enthusiasm can be dangerous, but I’ll take that any day over stagnation, apathy, and a victim mentality.
If you are struggling in farming or ranching, come to one of the PCC™ bull sales and see how contagious a positive attitude can be. You don’t even have to buy a bull. Just come and meet some of the PCC crew, cooperative producers and customers. I guarantee you will come away with a new perspective!