Farnam Street shared the following insight in their weekly blog:

“Interdependence is the web that ties us all together. It’s the recognition that no person, no company, no country is an island. We’re all connected, all reliant on one another in countless ways, big and small. Interdependence is the reality that underlies the illusion of -self–sufficiency. No one is entirely -self–made. Interdependence can be both a vulnerability and a strength. When we recognize our interdependencies, we can leverage them for mutual benefit. We can form alliances, partnerships, and ecosystems. We can create value that no single entity could create alone.”

Human beings are social creatures. We were not meant to be alone. We need to help each other, encourage each other and be there for each other.

Farmers and ranchers have always been known as independent, individualistic and loners. Our lifestyle gravitates towards these traits. We put in long, hard days and rarely have time for fun. That just means that we need to make an extra effort not to isolate ourselves!

I’d rather be on a horse in the middle of nowhere than in front of a crowd. I could have lived out that “loner” lifestyle, but God blessed me with an outgoing and social wife who helped me see the importance of interconnectedness.

In the same way, fostering interdependence makes us stronger, more resilient and maybe even a little more compassionate. In short, it makes us human.

Interdependence is one of the foundational principles of Pharo Cattle Company™. Not only does PCC™ provide genetics that can help you be more profitable, they have a strategy to help make ranching more enjoyable too! At PCC, our success is tied to your success. We want you to enjoy ranching as much as we do!

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