This year marks my 40th year in the ranching business – and I do not remember a time that was as good or as exciting as right now! We continue to receive unbelievable, record-high prices for our calves – and it looks like prices will go even higher. What a Great Time to be Alive and in the cattle business!

I am excited that more and more cow-calf producers are turning the corner from unsustainable, high-input ranching to low-input, high-profit ranching. These producers will be able to survive the upcoming fall in cattle prices. This transition also makes it possible for them to pass the family farm or ranch on to the next generation.

I am also excited about the new DNA tools we have to help us deliver a much better eating experience to the end consumer. I believe Tenet® Beef will soon become the biggest game changer in the history of the beef industry. If you think the demand for beef is high now, just wait. We are going to take back some of the market share chicken has taken from us over the years.

Some have asked me if I am ever going to retire. The answer is, “No!” I wake up every morning totally excited about what is going on in the beef industry. I don’t want to miss out on anything! What a Great Time to be Alive and in the cattle business!

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past, what to enjoy in the present, and what to plan for in the future.” ~ Arnold H. Glasow

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