We know how to work in agriculture. We can put in long hours with little rest. Whether it’s calving, planting, harvesting, weaning, or haying, we have no problem with hard work. What if I told you there was more to ranching than just hard work and determination? Farnam Street shared the following insight in their weekly blog:

“Persistence isn’t just pushing harder—it’s having energy that demands new ideas. Think of a founder solving a problem. Someone with just determination keeps trying the same approach. But a truly persistent founder has a restless energy that demands new solutions. When one approach fails, their energy compels them to imagine new ones. This cycle—energy demanding imagination, imagination feeding energy—is rare. Energy without imagination is force. Energy with imagination is persistence.”

Pharo Cattle Company™ has always challenged people to think outside the box. There is nothing more boring or more monotonous than the Status Quo. In ranching, Status Quo translates into “slowly going broke.” If you want to do what everyone else is doing, you should get a job in a factory on an assembly line.

Imagination is what compels us to ditch the Status Quo. Imagination is the opposite of boring. It is one of the main drivers of innovation. It’s what pushes us to look for new solutions to old problems. It’s what challenges us to think and to be different! Imagination is the creative energy that drives us to get out of our comfort zone.

Of all the important traits necessary to become successful, imagination has to be near the top. Imagine how you could make ranching more profitable and enjoyable!

PCC™ is here to help you. We have the genetics and the philosophies that will make you money, save you time, and help you enjoy life!

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