The topic of cow size has been rehashed numerous times. Various opinions float around as to what is the ideal size and why. This was recently discussed on the PCC Discussion Group. I thought I would share some of what was said.

First, moderate-sized, easy-fleshing cows are always going to be more fertile than bigger, hard-doing cows – on the same inputs. Yes, you can get 1800-lb cows to cycle, but you better have a pile of silage on hand.

Second, good marketing can’t overcome the high feed costs of oversized cows in the winter. Numerous studies show that the cost to carry a cow on the average cattle operation is over $1000 per year. Some estimate that it’s closer to $1500 per year. If that’s average, you can bet some operations are paying a lot more than that. Again, cow size matters!

In all reality, bigger cows wean a smaller percentage of their body weight than smaller cows. Again, numerous university studies have shown this. For example, my heifers can produce 62% of their body weight, followed by my three-year-olds at 58%, and down to my eight and older cows at 48%. PCC genetics have continuously improved my efficiency without increasing my cow size and cost. That’s where the real savings are!

I was discussing the GrowSafe system and feed efficiency with a neighbor the other day. He raises and sells bulls. He was trying to tell me that his 1450-pound cows are as efficient as my 1100-pound cows – and that GrowSafe was proving it. This is laughable! All GrowSafe proves is that his cattle grow more skeleton and frame. It’s like saying a 240-lb middle linebacker has the same nutritional requirements as a 165-lb wrestler. Stop trying to gaslight me!

Overall… moderate-sized, adapted cattle are going to cost less to carry. They will wean a calf that is a higher percentage of their body weight – and they will produce more pounds per acre. That’s enough to be profitable. Add in the calving ease, maternal traits, disposition and fertility of PCC genetics, and you are orders of magnitude ahead of the “mainstream” genetics. And, most importantly, you’ve made ranching enjoyable!

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