“First principles thinking is the art of breaking down complex problems into their most fundamental truths. It’s a way of thinking that goes beyond the surface and allows us to see things from a new perspective. Thinking in terms of first principles allows us to identify the root causes and strip away the layers of complexity and focus on the most effective solutions. Reasoning from first principles allows us to step outside the way things have always been done and instead see what is possible.

First principles thinking is not easy. It requires a willingness to challenge the status quo. This is why it’s often the domain of rebels and disrupters who believe there must be a better way. It’s the thinking of those who are willing to start from scratch and build from the ground up. In a world focused on incremental improvement, first principles thinking offers a competitive advantage because almost no one does it.”

Does this sound familiar? It is a quote from The Great Mental Models, Vol 1: General Thinking Concepts, but it sounds like what Pharo Cattle Company™ has been saying for years!

The concept behind first principles thinking is gaining in popularity. I can think of a dozen reasons why, but maybe the most important is that people are starting to think for themselves. People are getting fed up with all the propaganda they are being spoon-fed. They are starting to see with their own eyes that what they are being told isn’t true.

This is especially true in the cattle industry where we are conditioned to line the pockets of feeders and packers by producing high-maintenance cattle. These are the same high-maintenance cattle that require a ton of costly inputs, which the feed and pharmaceutical companies are more than happy to sell you!

First principles thinking would question this paradigm, as it should. If you are tired of lining someone else’s pockets, it’s time to make a change! Let’s start with genetics that will make you money, instead of costing you money.

PCC is ready and able to help you take the next step! Whether you need a bull or not, join us for one of our upcoming bull sales to see the difference. You will get a chance to mingle with like-minded people, look at some great bulls, and have a good time!

I guarantee if you make it a point to attend, you will not be disappointed. You will see why this is one of my favorite things to do!

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