I’m sure some of our subscribers thought I made up the Monkey Story that I shared in last week’s PCC Update. I didn’t! The Monkey Story is based on a scientific experiment that was conducted in 1967. This experiment involved ten adult rhesus monkeys. Scientists and psychologists, at the time, suggested that this is a classic example of Mob Mentality which is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals can be influenced by a larger group to the point that they adopt the beliefs and the behaviors of the group or mob.


Folks, this is the same thing we have always referred to as the Herd-Mentality way of thinking. The Monkey Story is a perfect example of Herd Mentality. The original five monkeys had all been sprayed with ice cold water every time one made an attempt to climb the ladder to get the bananas. However, after replacing all of the original monkeys one at a time, none of the remaining monkeys had ever been sprayed with ice cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey would ever be allowed to approach the ladder to try for the bananas – and none of them knew why.

Unfortunately, many people, from all walks of life, are being held captive by some Herd-Mentality ways of thinking — just like the monkeys. They are foolishly holding onto traditions that may have made sense a generation or two ago — but no longer make sense today. Until these people get over their fear of being different from the status quo herd, they will remain trapped in their outdated traditions and paradigms. Times change — and true success requires that we be willing to change with them!

We use the term Herd Quitter™ to refer to someone who has enough courage to break away from the status-quo, herd-mentality way of thinking. It is more about thinking for yourself than anything else. Following the herd and doing what everyone else is doing – especially without knowing why – is the absolute worst way to manage your business. Dare to be different! Dare to think for yourself! Dare to be a Herd Quitter™!

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

“If you don’t fit in, you are probably doing the right things.” ~ Unknown

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