Herd Quitter™ Blog
Replacing the Monkey –
The PCC Discussion Group recently had a very interesting discussion that tied in very well with the “Woe is Me” article in last week’s PCC Update. While most people know what they should do, very few actually follow through. Why is that? What prevents most...
Food for Thought
The following quote has been attributed to Thomas Edison. I think it speaks volumes about the status quo’s herd-mentality way of thinking – or lack thereof. "Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five...
Sitting on the Fence
I have reason to believe many who are reading this are sitting on the fence. They know they need to make the transition from high-input, break-even ranching to low-input, high-profit ranching – but they are reluctant to get off the fence and make it happen. Some...
Making the Transition
The most gratifying part of my job is hearing from people who made the transition from high-input, break-even ranching to low-input, high-profit ranching. I receive emails on a weekly basis from those who are so glad they made the transition when they did. Most...
Resistance to Change –
People hate change! Nowhere is this more prevalent than in agriculture. It seems to take years for people in agriculture to make simple changes – even though they know the change will be for their own good. I must confess that I too am reluctant to change. I...
How Big is Big Enough?
According to the USDA Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska, the average Angus, Red Angus and Hereford cow in America weighs over 1,400 pounds. WOW! The status quo seedstock industry has successfully out-Simmentalled the Simmentals. ...
Getting Your Money’s Worth
When you purchase something, you always hope you will get your money’s worth. That, however, is often easier said than done, isn’t it? When purchasing bulls, cost is always a factor – but it should not be the only factor. First and foremost, you should consider...
I Can’t Believe It
I look in on a few internet discussion forums on a regular basis just to see what the status quo whiz kids are saying and thinking. In late February, one forum started a discussion on “Fly Control.” Really? In February? I can’t believe it! I usually don’t see...
The New Frontier
Throughout history, the most ambitious and adventurous of people have constantly yearned to leave old, overcrowded territories in search of new frontiers. These are trailblazers, frontiersmen, pioneers and innovators. They quickly tire of the status quo....
Selecting Bulls to Meet Your Goals
I came across an internet article late last week entitled, “Selecting Bulls to Meet Your Goals,” or something like that. It wasn’t worth the time it took to open the link – but it did get me to thinking. I suspect most cow-calf producers have no goals....