Herd Quitter™ Blog
Seems A Little Early –
I look in on a couple of internet discussion forums on a regular basis just to see what the status quo whiz kids are saying and thinking. On Monday, February 1st, one discussion forum started a thread on “Horn Fly Control.” Really? ...
Annual Cow Cost
I recently read an article in a beef publication that quoted Stan Bevers who is a ranch economist in Texas. Stan said, “The average cow cost in the late 1980s and early 1990s was about $365 per year.” In other words, every calf had to sell...
Question and Answer –
Question: What do you think the optimal % of body weight weaned should be for a cowherd? Answer: Let me begin by saying, just about anything is possible if we are willing to reduce stocking rates and spend enough on extra feed and special care. For...
Change the Cow… Not the Environment –
Cows must fit their environment to stay in production. Common sense tells us it is much easier, as well as much more profitable, to produce cows that fit the environment than it is to artificially change the environment to fit the cows. Your environment can only...
In with the New –
Last week, we discussed the year 2020 in our “Out with the Old” article. Today, we are going to look ahead to the new year. Some say the first day of the new year is no different from the last day of the previous year. They may be right – but, in my mind,...
The Sky’s the Limit
The Sky is the Limit – We believe the business of ranching can be much, much better than most people have been led to believe – but only for those who are not being restrained by outdated traditions and ways of thinking. We see evidence of this all around...
Out with the Old
Grumpy old man. The year 2020 will definitely be one to remember! With the arrival of Rona (co-Rona-virus), life as we knew it was hijacked (unlawfully seized, appropriated, stolen, commandeered). Although Rona was not the first influenza pandemic to hit the...
The Exodus has Begun –
Because of the drought, we are relocating all of the mature cows at PCC Headquarters – with the exception of a few old teenage cows. At this point, we hope to hold on to our bred heifers and heifer calves. We are sending our cows to four different PCC cooperative...
Ten Steps to Double Your Profits
Cow-calf producers who want to have a prosperous future will need to make some major changes in their business. The sooner they take the first step, the sooner they will reach their destination. I will review the Ten Steps required to get on...
Time to Change Horses
Visualize, if you will, an old cowpoke riding an old plug horse that stumbles along with its head just a foot off the ground. The cowpoke represents a lot of today’s cow-calf producers — perhaps most of today’s cow-calf producers. The old horse represents an...