Q and A –

Q and A –

Question:  I’m sure you have explained this before.   Why are your bulls able to cover more cows than bulls coming out of other programs?  Also, I am wondering how many cows you recommend putting with a bull. Answer: The fact that our bulls can...
Q and A –

Annual Cow Cost

I recently read an article in a beef publication that quoted Stan Bevers who is a ranch economist in Texas.   Stan said, “The average cow cost in the late 1980s and early 1990s was about $365 per year.”   In other words, every calf had to sell...

Our Mission –

  As stated on page 2 of our quarterly newsletters, Pharo Cattle Company’s mission has always been to help ranchers put more fun and profit into their business.   Ranching is a great way of life, but if it is not profitable and enjoyable it will never be...

Are You Interested or Committed?

  Last week, I watched a short video clip from “Training With Trent.”   Trenton Pierce asked, “Are you interested in or are you committed to your goals?”   Great food for thought!   There is a HUGE difference!   I thought I would expand on his thoughts and maybe...

Already Dead –

Henry Ford once said, “The man who is too set to change is dead already.   The funeral is a mere detail.”   I had to read that quote a couple of times before I fully understood how powerful it is – and how appropriate it is to the current beef...