The Up-Periscope Syndrome –

Annual Cow Cost

I recently read an article in a beef publication that quoted Stan Bevers who is a ranch economist in Texas.   Stan said, “The average cow cost in the late 1980s and early 1990s was about $365 per year.”   In other words, every calf had to sell...

Our Mission –

  As stated on page 2 of our quarterly newsletters, Pharo Cattle Company’s mission has always been to help ranchers put more fun and profit into their business.   Ranching is a great way of life, but if it is not profitable and enjoyable it will never be...

Are You Interested or Committed?

  Last week, I watched a short video clip from “Training With Trent.”   Trenton Pierce asked, “Are you interested in or are you committed to your goals?”   Great food for thought!   There is a HUGE difference!   I thought I would expand on his thoughts and maybe...

Already Dead –

Henry Ford once said, “The man who is too set to change is dead already.   The funeral is a mere detail.”   I had to read that quote a couple of times before I fully understood how powerful it is – and how appropriate it is to the current beef...

Time to Change Horses

Visualize, if you will, an old cowpoke riding an old plug horse that stumbles along with its head just a foot off the ground.   The cowpoke represents a lot of today’s cow-calf producers — perhaps most of today’s cow-calf producers.   The old horse...