#155 – Gentle Disposition

#154 – Fall Already

It’s hard to believe fall is almost here already. It’s time for us to gather our first bunch of cattle, our first calf heifer pairs that have been at high elevation. They’ve been on rough country and have done really...
#155 – Gentle Disposition

#153 – Bull Workdays

It’s time to evaluate bulls for the PCC™ fall sales. These bulls are being developed on grass in a real-world environment. They are being scored for real-world traits that translate into profit for the cow/calf...
#155 – Gentle Disposition

#152 – Hide and Seek

We graze in big country where the hills are steep and the brush is thick. Occasionally, cows will disappear until you wonder where on earth they are. I’m glad our PCC™ cows know how to take care of themselves and keep on doing their job, even while playing hide...