Why do we use weaning weights?

Why do we use weaning weights?

Charlie, You brought up important points. I would like to respond to two. “Why do we use weaning weights?” We sell calves by the pound and that is when most producers sell their calves. When universities decided that since we sell pounds, the more the...
Why do we use weaning weights?

Fly Control

The hottest topic within the beef industry right now is fly control. When confronted with a problem, most producers are quick to spend an inordinate amount of time, energy and money treating the symptoms – while they totally ignore the problem. Folks, if we never work...
Why do we use weaning weights?

Words of Wisdom from Johann Zietsman

Cattle have a dual role: They need to efficiently convert grass into beef and they need to improve the range on which they graze. Neither of these roles are currently being fulfilled. Large frame cattle are genetically handicapped. They require “high-octane” feed....
Why do we use weaning weights?

The Enablers

I have been led to believe that several enablers receive our weekly emails. What is an enabler? The term “enabler” is most often used to describe people who allow loved ones to behave in ways that are destructive. For example, an enabling wife of an alcoholic will...
Why do we use weaning weights?

Why Purchase Bulls in the Fall?

Fall is by far the best time to move cattle from one environment to another – especially if you are moving them into a hotter, more humid environment (south and/or east). By the time breeding season rolls around, your new PCC bull will be well-adapted and ready for a...