PCC Star Ratings

PCC Star Ratings

In addition to EPDs, weights, ratios and ultrasound data, Pharo Cattle Company provides star ratings for the following traits on our sale bulls.   A 5-star rating is the best – with 3-star being about average…   Disposition Calving Ease Cow Longevity Udder...
PCC Star Ratings

Genetics for Marbling

You might have noticed that all three of the front-page articles in the December edition of the Stockman Grass Farmer involve grass-feeding or grass-finishing cattle.   In Anibal Pordomingo’s article “Fat is the Critical Element in a Good Eating Grass-fed Beef...
PCC Star Ratings

New Year’s Resolutions

Most people don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they never keep them.   They view them as a waste of time.   On top of that, it is discouraging and depressing when they realize they failed to keep the resolutions they made. However, some people have a very good...
PCC Star Ratings

Goodbye 2016

This past year had a humbling effect on many cow-calf producers.   Calf prices steadily declined until 500-pound steers were worth $500 less than they were just one year ago – and $750 less than they were two years ago.   In this business, that is a HUGE change – in...
PCC Star Ratings

Create the Future of Your Dreams

If success was easy, everyone would be remarkably successful.   Unfortunately, very few people can be classified as remarkably successful.   Success, however, does appear to be easy for some people.   If you look closer, you will discover that those people are...