One Down and Two To Go!  Nebraska Sale was a success….

Family Matters-

Most farms and ranches are family-owned businesses.   Some have been passed on from one generation to the next.   If you are like most cow-calf producers, you hope to pass your operation on to your kids and to their kids.   Although not always possible, each...
One Down and Two To Go!  Nebraska Sale was a success….

Calving Ease Comparison

In last week’s PCC Update, I compared maintenance requirements of the AI sires in the latest ABS and Genex catalogs to the bulls we will be selling in our three fall bull sales.   Since most seedstock producers use bulls promoted and marketed by the major AI...
One Down and Two To Go!  Nebraska Sale was a success….

Quick Sort Tips

Sort for one or two traits and see how many bulls made your sort.   Sort for another trait and see how many bulls you lose.   You can sort and resort many times.   If you lose a lot of bulls, you might want to reconsider the sort you just made.   Consider changing a 4...