Increasing Cost of Production

Increasing Cost of Production

According to the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC), the cost of producing a calf has increased from $384 in 2000 to $883 in 2014.   WOW… it way more than doubled in just 14 years.   Keep in mind, though, that this is an average cost of production.   Some...
Increasing Cost of Production

Things Are Looking Up

Cattle prices have been making some remarkable recoveries.   Below is a 60-day Market Trendline created by The Cattle Range for June 2, 2017.   This provides a quick overview of our markets and where they might be headed.   The angle indicates direction and velocity...
Increasing Cost of Production

We Believe

We believe… ordinary people can do extraordinary things.   To do so, however, requires that we stop thinking and acting like ordinary people.   We need to think BIG and dream BIG – and we need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone.   Those who are afraid to...
Increasing Cost of Production

Rabies in Colorado (part 2)

Last week, I told you about a 2-year-old heifer that showed all the symptoms of rabies – including aggressive behavior, inability to swallow, frothing at the mouth and death.   When she died, we removed her brain and sent it to the lab for diagnosis.   Long story...
Increasing Cost of Production

Pharo Phamily Reunion

Several years ago, my brothers and sisters decided we need to have a Pharo Phamily Reunion every other year – on the odd numbered years.   I have two younger brothers and two younger sisters.   It was decided that we would take turns being responsible for this...