Winter Coat

Winter Coat

Most of us have one or two winter coats.   Sometimes we wear more than one coat at the same time.   Winter is a time of shorter days and colder temperatures.   Unless you live in the tropics, you need to wear a coat most of the time during the winter months. God...
Winter Coat


Monday afternoon, I received a phone call from Jim Kinder, a cow-calf producer in Oklahoma who has been using PCC bulls exclusively for nine or ten years.   Jim said, “I was just sitting here doing nothing, and thought I should give you a call.”   He went on to say,...
Winter Coat

We Believe

We believe… the most amazing things take place outside our comfort zone.   Look around you.   Those who are truly happy, satisfied and successful are those who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone.   They are not afraid to attempt what others say cannot be...
Winter Coat

Challenging Traditions

For some reason, it seems to be in my nature to challenge traditions and the status quo.   This has happened in several areas of my life – including business, politics and religion.   I don’t really know why this is – but I hope some good will come of it. Just because...
Winter Coat

We Believe

We believe… it is better to walk alone than to walk with a crowd that is going the wrong direction.   If you follow the crowd and do what everyone is doing, you will never be above average – and you will never have a competitive advantage.   We also believe you should...