Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Bad Bull

Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Bad Bull

By Mark Parker 10. Your neighbor took one look at him and immediately began fixing the border fence. 9. Do the math: He only settles 3/4 as many cows but at half the price! 8. Him being a six-way cross — maybe eight or nine — just think of the hybrid vigor impact. 7....
Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Bad Bull

Cow Size and Profitability

By Kit Pharo For most of the last three decades, Pharo Cattle Company pretty much stood alone in promoting the benefits of smaller cows.   Among the high-input, big-cow, status quo seedstock producers, we were the butt of many jokes.   That did not...
Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Bad Bull

Supply and Demand

For the most part, cattle prices go up and down as a result of supply and demand.   When demand exceeds supply, prices go up – as they did in 2015.   Cow-calf producers were selling 500-pound calves for an unbelievable $1500 per head.   I don’t know of anyone who...
Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Bad Bull

Willingness To Change

Whether you want to believe it or not, your survival in the cow-calf business will be dependent on your willingness to make some changes.   Prices will continue to fall, while the cost of inputs will continue to rise.   A 500-pound steer is worth $500 less than it was...
Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Bad Bull

Preparation for the Future

What are your plans for the future?   Most people don’t want to spend much time thinking about the future – especially if the future might involve change.   Most people hate change!   You, however, are not “most people.”   You know if you do not prepare for the...