Quote Worth Re-Quoting

You CANNOT Vaccinate Your Way to Health

WillWinterDVM@gmail.com With improved herd health in mind, I hold the following ten truths to be self-evident…  Vaccinations have allowed more and more animals with broken immune systems to live and breed.  Vaccine, when it works, only blocks one way to get sick.  It...
Quote Worth Re-Quoting

Fly Control

The hottest topic within the beef industry right now is fly control.   When confronted with a problem, most producers are quick to spend an inordinate amount of time, energy and money treating the symptoms – while they totally ignore the problem.   Folks, if we never...
Quote Worth Re-Quoting

Slantwise Logic

By Chip Hines ChipHines@outlook.com   If you are dousing your cattle with chemicals to control flies, all you are doing is decreasing your herd’s natural resistance.   This locks you into another chemical when resistance builds to the first chemical.   You are locked...
Quote Worth Re-Quoting

Quote Worth Re-Quoting

“Most people would rather fail conventionally than succeed unconventionally.   This is why 1% of the U.S. population earns 37% of the national income.   Following the crowd is not the way to achieve wealth.”   ~ Allan Nation