Fall 2017 Pre-Sale Meeting Speaker

New PCC Facebook Page

Pharo Cattle Company has a new Facebook page.   We invite you to check it out and to “like” it and/or “share” it with your friends. PCC Facebook Page
Fall 2017 Pre-Sale Meeting Speaker

Green-Grass Calving (part 2)

In last week’s PCC Update, I talked a little about calving here at PCC.  We are two days past our due date and already have 26% of our calves on the ground.  This week I’m going to explain some of the things we look for and record at calving time.   The Body Condition...
Fall 2017 Pre-Sale Meeting Speaker

Green-Grass Calving

Calving season has begun here at PCC.  Our due date this year is May 14th, but with the calving ease (short-gestation) bred into our herd, our first calf came on May 4th.  In all likelihood, our cows will be 25% done calving by the due date.    As I was going through...