The status quo Whiz Kids always have many discussions going on. Most do not interest me. However, one about open cows caught my attention late last week. One forum member said he usually has 15% open cows in a 90-day breeding season. He wanted to know what to attribute that to.

Many things were cussed and discussed. Finally, someone asked about the cow to bull ratio. That is when this thread really got my attention. It appears that the Whiz Kids agree that you should only run 20 to 25 cows per bull. I wish I could share the “STOP Buying So Many Bulls” article in our Spring 2025 Newsletter with them.

In my not-so-humble opinion, the reason so many of those cows are open after a long 90-day breeding season is because the cows are not receiving enough nutrition. The reason the nutrition is lacking is because high-input status quo cows do not fit any real-world ranch environment. They require more than the ranch can provide!

In contrast, Pharo Cattle Company™ turns bulls out with 40 to 50 cows each for a short 45-day breeding season. Our cows fit their environment and thrive on low-quality forages… and sex is NOT work for a PCC bull!

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