This is a guest post written by Frank Hendrix of Callipyge Genetics and Tenet® Beef.

Several people have asked, “Is there a correlation between beef marbling and Tenet® Certification?”

The short answer is not much. Let me explain. Marbling was established as the primary factor in USDA beef quality determination and grading in 1964. It hasn’t changed since then. In 1964 the average price of a home was $10,000, the price of a car was $1,200 and cattle were much different than they are today.

Meat scientists have known for decades the correlation of marbling and beef tenderness is only 10% at best. Beef tenderness is the greatest concern for American beef consumers. Fortunately, DNA markers have been discovered that specifically show the higher level of beef tenderness: TENET®.

American Wagyu cattle are well known for extreme marbling. Ironically, we have never found any certified Tenet® animals in the American Wagyu breed. I have a theory about this that we may discuss in a future article. If we ever find an American Wagyu bull that is Tenet® Certified, he is going to be extremely valuable.

Marbling can’t conceal tough beef. Tenet® Certification has the ability to eliminate the tenderness problem. At this time, Pharo Cattle Company™ is your only source for Tenet® Certified bulls.

NOTE: If you have questions you would like Frank to address, send them to

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Hi Kit,

I was reading the PCC™ Update and hoping you had found someone to be your pre-sale speaker – and would not be asking me at the last minute to do it again.

I think hearing Frank Hendrix talk about Tenet® is a great opportunity for your customers. I’ve never heard Frank speak, but it’s hard to mess up when you have such good material to work with.

I also want to congratulate you on PCC genetics being such a dominant force in the $EN arena. If cow-calf producers actually understood their business, they would all be bidding up PCC bulls at the upcoming sales.

This is more than a Game Changer; it will be an Industry Changer!

Jim Gerrish – Idaho

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