As I said previously here and here concerning the enormous lack of consistency in beef tenderness, Frank Hendrix and his team have created a DNA test that identifies beef animals with the highest level of beef tenderness. Frank says it is 99 to 100 percent accurate!
Since we started talking about Tenet® Beef in early October, this has become one of the hottest topics of discussion within the beef industry. We have received many, many questions. Therefore, I decided it was time to let Frank the Tenet® Guy publicly answer some of those questions. The first question is answered in the article below.
PLEASE NOTE: Frank has graciously agreed to be the featured guest speaker at all three of our Pre-Sale Meetings in April. These meetings will be FREE and open to the public!
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I purchased my first PCC™ bull at the 2021 Missouri Sale. I then replaced the rest of my bull battery in the fall of 2021 and the spring of 2022.
The PCC bulls have provided us with fantastic results through: trouble free calving, higher conception rates, calves that top the market and the right size and type of replacement females to replace my big, high-input cows. All of the bulls gained weight during their first breeding season. They stay in great shape year-round on native grass.
I need to purchase another bull this spring. So, my question is: will you have the Tenderness DNA data or indicator available in the catalogs?
Ron Morgan – Oklahoma
NOTE: The answer is YES… We will have the Tenet® Certified bulls identified in our sale catalog.
How Long Will It Take?
by Frank Hendrix
Many producers have asked, “How long will it take to breed tenderness into my herd?”
A cowherd can increase beef quality with every breeding season using Tenet® sires. Moving from normal American beef tenderness of T3 to Tenet® tenderness of T10 can be accomplished in just two generations when using Tenet® Certified bulls. The first set of Tenet® Certified bulls will increase the level of tenderness in their calves. When the resulting heifers are bred to another Tenet® Certified bull, many of their calves will be Tenet® Certified (T10).
Herds that have been using PCC™ bulls already have a significant number of Tenet® Certified animals. There are two sources for Tenet® Certified bulls. Pharo Cattle Company™ has many Tenet® Certified bulls in their 2025 AI Sire Directory. I have already purchased some straws for my herd. There will also be a great selection of Tenet® Certified bulls in all three of PCC’s spring bull sales. I look forward to meeting some PCC customers and subscribers at those sales.
NOTE: If you have questions you would like Frank to address, send them to