For over 30 years, Pharo Cattle Company™ has been your source for low-input / high-profit genetics that will increase your pounds and profit per acre. For 30 years, we have been your source for grass-efficient genetics. For over 20 years, we have been your source for parasite-resistant genetics. For over 10 years, we have been your source for A2/A2 milk protein genetics. As discussed in our post on Beef Tenderness, we recently discovered we are also your source for guaranteed-tender beef genetics. This will be a HUGE Game Changer!

PCC™ has Leading-Edge Genetics that you cannot find anywhere else. We’re so far ahead of the curve, the status quo beef industry doesn’t know which way we went. We are constantly looking for ways to help our customers make their farms and ranches more Profita-BULL, Enjoya-BULL and Sustaina-BULL! We have the genetics you need to produce more pounds of beef at a lower cost. We also have the genetics you need to sell your calves for a premium!

If you are not already using our Leading-Edge Genetics, we invite you to get started. The sooner the better! You won’t regret it! Click on the link below to request a catalog for our upcoming bull sales. It is always much better to be ahead of the curve than behind the curve.

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