We defined a Systems Approach to doing business last week – with an emphasis on producing and marketing bulls. Before I go any further in that direction, I want to talk about how a Systems Approach can be beneficial to everyone – from all walks of life.

Our grandparents used a systems approach to life and business without knowing it. They did not have access to all the expensive, high-tech so-called “solutions” to their problems. They were much more observant than most people are today. They paid attention to the details – and used common sense to fix what needed fixed.

Most people today have been programmed to spend an inordinate amount of money on chemical, technical and mechanical solutions that are almost always temporary at best. They overlook the less expensive and less complicated solutions previous generations were forced to employ.

No Silver Bullet… Most people seem to be looking for a magical silver bullet to fix the things that need to be fixed. They don’t want to take the time required to analyze the situation from a holistic point of view. I don’t think there are any silver bullets. The world is too complicated to be fixed by silver bullets.

Next week, I will share more thoughts on a Systems Approach to ranching. Contrary to what you may have been told, there are no silver bullets in ranching. Ranching that is profitable, enjoyable and sustainable (passed on to the next generation) requires much more than just the right genetics.

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