Helen Keller once said, “A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn.” That’s a very simple, yet profound, statement! It applies to all people in all walks of life. It has application for me – and it has application for you!

What word can we use to define a “bend in the road”? The first word that comes to my mind is “change.” Change is a normal part of life. It is also a normal part of business. Nothing stays the same. The present is different from the past and the future will be different from the present.
The sooner we make the turn in the road, the better off we will be. Unfortunately, most people hate change. Some hate change so much they resign themselves to being content with where they are. At that point, their life is no longer enjoyable – and/or they start going out of business.
I encourage you to think about where your life and your business are going. Have you missed a few turns in the road? Are you as happy as you would like to be? Is your business as successful as you would like it to be? Is your business profitable and enjoyable enough to be passed on to the next generation?
What changes do you need to make? Once you identify those changes, do what it takes to make them happen! DO IT NOW! Procrastination is NOT your friend! Once you get back on the road, continue to watch ahead for future bends in the road. When you come to a bend in the road, make the proper adjustments – and Keep On Truckin’!