#210 – Mitch Dahl – Very Successful First-Generation Rancher
Mitch Dahl is one of those guys my age making me feel like I’m playing catch-up — and I love it! He had the incredible opportunity to take over an existing ranch from retiring ranchers and didn’t hesitate to make the most of it. Today, Mitch owns hundreds of cows,...
#210 – Mitch Dahl – Very Successful First-Generation Rancher
Mitch Dahl is one of those guys my age making me feel like I’m playing catch-up — and I love it! He had the incredible opportunity to take over an existing ranch from retiring ranchers and didn’t hesitate to make the most of it. Today, Mitch owns hundreds of cows, custom grazes, manages a small...
#209 – Doug Voss – Expanding the Land Base Through Good Management
Since Doug Voss' last interview on Episode 33, he has significantly expanded his land base. In this episode, we discuss how he achieved this growth on both public and private land. Doug shares his experiences grazing on a large piece of publicly owned land, including...
#208 – Garth Gatson – Creating Value in Cattle
Garth Gatson is intentional with his cattle business, focusing on enterprises where he can add value. Because of this, he has found great success and is able to work full-time in the cattle business — a feat that many folks dream of. He shares his marketing strategy...
#207 – Sean and Kat Weinert – Quitting the Off-Ranch Job
We catch back up with Sean and Kat Weinert, previously featured on episode 5 and episode 44, to discuss life after Sean left his off-ranch job. We talk about the challenges it presented, the things that caught him off guard, and how they’ve made it work. Don't Miss...
#206 – Duane Thompson – 1200 Cows Profitably in Canada
Duane Thompson and his family run a ranch in Canada. They have figured out how to be successful in a northern environment, facing challenges like snow, ice, cold temperatures, and short growing seasons. In today’s episode, we dive into the details of his cow/calf...
#205 – Cody Kologi – Switching Enterprises to Find Success
Cody Kologi shares his incredible story of taking over his in-laws’ ranch in North Dakota and how he went from struggling to achieving improved profitability and a better lifestyle. He transitioned from a cow/calf enterprise to a stocker enterprise and is excited...
#204 – John Maddux – Cattle Risk Management
In Part 2 with John Maddux, we discuss some of the strategies he uses to manage risk in his cow/calf and stocker business. Listen to Part 1, Wall Street to Full Time Rancher, here. Don't Miss Next Week's Episode For more information, check out at RanchingReturns.com....
#203 – John Maddux – Wall Street to Full Time Rancher
John Maddux shares his family’s story of aggressively purchasing land and expanding their ranching operation over the generations. We dive into his unique breeding and genetics program, marketing strategy, low-cost winter feeding program, and begin to discuss his risk...
#202 – Brady Wulf – Wide-Row Corn, Cover Crops, Cows, and Airbnbs
The title doesn’t even cover it all! In this episode, we talk about everything happening at Brady Wulf's ranch near Starbuck, MN. We cover the Airbnb he has on the ranch, hunting leases, and ranch tours. We discuss his no-till wide-row corn system, how he grows cover...
#201 – Brandon Mace – First Gen Rancher Started Leasing Cows
I have talked to many first generation ranchers but I'm not sure I've talked with anybody who has started leasing cows. Brandon shares his start and how he transitioned to owning cows by replacing the lease cows with his share of the heifer crop. He talks about his...
#200 – Greg Brown – From 0 to 450 Cows
This conversation with Greg Brown is one of those stories that gets me absolutely pumped about the potential in this industry! Greg has built a remarkable operation in a short amount of time, and he shares his journey in this episode. He explains why he let some land...
#199 – Logan Pribbeno – Cashing out of the Cows
Logan Pribbeno shares his strategy for taking advantage of what he believes is a predictable cattle cycle and capturing value in his appreciated cow herd. My biggest question has been: how do you continue to generate a profit when the market goes down? He shares his...
#198 – Kyle Marshall – Finding Success in Ranching
Kyle shares his ranching story, and I admire his willingness to recognize the need for change—and actually make that change. So many people find it easier to go broke doing what’s comfortable than to try something new. He also shares that being very low-input isn't...
About the Ranching Returns Podcast
On this podcast, we talk to farmers and ranchers who are leading the industry in so many ways. We’ll discuss the various returns they get from ranching, including, of course, the significant financial returns, but also returns to their land resources and ultimately the amazing lifestyle. That might be the most important return ranching can offer!
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Frank the TENET® Guy
As I said previously here and here concerning the enormous lack of consistency in beef tenderness, Frank Hendrix and his team have created a DNA test that identifies beef animals with the highest level of beef tenderness. Frank says it is 99 to 100 percent accurate! Since we started talking about Tenet® Beef in early October, this has become one of the hottest topics of discussion within the beef industry. We have received many, many questions. Therefore, I...