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Herd Quitter™ Minute Logo
#130 – 3 Ways to Cut Expense and Increase Profit

#130 – 3 Ways to Cut Expense and Increase Profit

Operating costs keep rising which makes it harder for cow/calf producers to show a profit. Even with the current rise in the calf market, margins are slim. Here are three practical ways to cut expenses and increase your profit....

#129 – Bull Workdays 2024

#129 – Bull Workdays 2024

I recently attended the Colorado bull work-days evaluating spring sale bulls. I was impressed with the consistent quality of the bulls and Kit Pharo's relentless standards of excellence for those that qualify for the sale....

#128 – Have Cows, Will Travel

#128 – Have Cows, Will Travel

It's a challenge to operate totally on leased land, but it can be done. It helps to have PCC™ cows with a gentle disposition that are easy to handle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?loop=1&v=Cx0gUXcAXQY&list=PLSpP--7TbVItPcvRmNfEugZ0Hu8SfIOay&index=128

#127 – Give the People What They Want

#127 – Give the People What They Want

Buc-ee's is a popular travel stop in the south. They are known for safety, a variety of quality products and cleanliness. They are popular because they give the people what they want. Can beef producers do the same?...

#126 – After One Year Feeding ACV

#126 – After One Year Feeding ACV

We started feeding Apple Cider Vinegar one year ago. Here's an update discussing our observations on digestion, cost, pest control and other benefits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?loop=1&v=T4oJsvLVXsM&list=PLSpP--7TbVItPcvRmNfEugZ0Hu8SfIOay&index=126

#125 – Sharing with Wildlife

#125 – Sharing with Wildlife

In this part of the country, we have to share our stored resources with wildlife. It is another on a list of problems we have to navigate in order to run a ranch. What are the problems unique to your region?...

The Latest from our Herd Quitter™ Blog

#212 – Knute and Amanda Severson – Grass Finishing and Successful Marketing

Knute and Amanda are a fun duo with a unique story! They met while working for the Seattle Seahawks and, after a long journey, found their way back to Knute’s family farm in Iowa. There, they purchased land, built infrastructure, and created a successful meat marketing business, Grand View Beef! In this episode, they share the struggles and successes of their journey. Resources Mentioned Fiverr Shopify NRCS Programs Practical Farmers of Iowa Don't Miss Next Week's...

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