Herd Quitter Blog

Why Purchase Bulls in the Fall?

Fall is by far the best time to move cattle from one environment to another – especially if you are moving them into a hotter, more humid environment (south and/or east). By the time breeding season rolls around, your new PCC bull will be well-adapted and ready for a...

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Resistance to Change

People hate change! Nowhere is this more prevalent than in agriculture. It seems to take years for people in agriculture to make simple changes – even though they know the change will be for their own good. I must confess that I too am reluctant to change. I may not...

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Slantwise Logic

If you are dousing your cattle with chemicals to control flies, all you are doing is decreasing your herd’s natural resistance. This locks you into another chemical when resistance builds to the first chemical. You are locked into the “Company Store” which will have a...

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Production vs. Profit

Technology has made it possible for us to nearly double agricultural production in the last 60 years. That is quite impressive until you realize that our net profits per acre have substantially decreased during the same time period. How can that be? Our input costs...

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PCC is Going International

Luis Valles is a rancher from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. After studying our program and our philosophies, he became very excited about the potential future of beef production in Mexico. His goal is to help revolutionize beef production at the cow-calf level in...

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Tagging Calves

Tyson Pharo made a comment in last week’s PCC Update that came very close to ruffling some feathers. Good job, Tyson! Many cow-calf producers think it is sacrilegious to not ear tag calves at birth. Most do it because they have always done it. Several years ago, the...

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The Herd Quitter Concept

From the inception of Pharo Cattle Company, we have always been very different from the status quo beef industry. In the late 1980s, we realized the beef industry was headed in the wrong direction at a high rate of speed. While nearly everyone else was focused on...

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Ranch Trucks

Top Ten reasons why ranch trucks are never stolen: 10. They only have a range of 20 miles before they break down or run out of gas. 9. Only the owner knows how to operate the door. 8. It is difficult to drive fast with all the fence tools, grease rags, ropes, chains,...

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Environmentally Adapted

I'm always on the lookout for obvious contradictions and/or discrepancies within the beef industry. They’re not that hard to find. Fortunately, most of the ranchers I know are not as gullible as some believe they are. Bull sale catalogs are a great place to find...

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Consider the Future

Have you noticed that the most successful (and happy) people throughout history have been those who made decisions that were based on the future? It’s true! Successful people know that nothing stays the same. The present is different from the past – and the future...

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