Herd Quitter™ Blog
Production vs. Profitability
Technology has made it possible for us to nearly double agricultural production in the last 60 years. That is quite impressive until you realize our net profits have decreased during the same time period. How can that be? The cost of our inputs has increased...
Already Dead
Henry Ford once said, “The man who is too set to change is dead already. The funeral is a mere detail.” I had to read that quote two or three times before I fully understood how powerful it is – and how appropriate it is to the current beef industry. You may...
The Herd Quitter Concept
From the inception of Pharo Cattle Company, we have always been very different from the status quo beef industry. In the late 1980s, we realized the beef industry was headed in the wrong direction at a high rate of speed. While nearly everyone else was focused on...
Cattle Market Trendline
I subscribe to a weekly market summary put out by The Cattle Range every Saturday morning. These weekly updates always begin with a 10-Day Market Trendline and a 30-Day Market Trendline. These give me a quick overview of our markets and where...
Reject the Status Quo –
Ag economist Danny Klinefelter explains how you can get a competitive edge simply by rejecting the status quo. That’s right… by rejecting the status quo. Klinefelter says, “The only truly sustainable competitive advantage today is the ability to learn and adapt...
Competitive Advantage
The lead-off article in our 2017 Winter Newsletter was entitled “Do You Have a Competitive Advantage.” I bring this up simply as a reminder. We firmly believe having a competitive advantage will be the difference between mere survival and true success in the...
Talk is Cheap
This time of year, I glance through hundreds of catalogs and advertisements for bull sales. With very few exceptions, everyone is essentially offering the same product. It is extremely rare to find anyone with a program or a product that differs much from the...
Earl has a new bull!
The Most Important Economic Trait
If profit is the goal, then fertility is by far the most important trait cow-calf producers should be selecting for. Studies have shown reproductive traits are twice as important as growth traits, which are twice as important as carcass traits. Ironically, the...
Low-Maintenance Bulls
No one sells as many ultra-low-maintenance bulls as Pharo Cattle Company. For nearly three decades, we have bred and selected for cattle that can do the most for the least. Many PCC customers have told us they get as much or more growth from our so-called...