Herd Quitter Blog

Pharo Phamily Reunion

Several years ago, my brothers and sisters decided we need to have a Pharo Phamily Reunion every other year – on the odd numbered years.   I have two younger brothers and two younger sisters.   It was decided that we would take turns being responsible for this...

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Managing Your Time

Ben Franklin once said, “Time is money.”   That’s a good quote.   However, I have come to the conclusion that time is much more valuable than money.   Very few things in life are as valuable as time.   In fact, I think it would be correct to say, “Time is life.”   It...

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Rabies in Colorado

As of May 15th, two pet dogs have tested positive for rabies in northeast Colorado.   These are the first cases among dogs since 2003.   In addition to the two dogs, there have been 41 confirmed cases of rabies in wild animals in the state so far this year.   A skunk...

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We Believe

We believe… most ranchers can be twice as profitable as they are if they STOP focusing on increasing pounds per individual calf and START focusing on increasing pounds per acre.   There is a BIG difference!   We know ranchers who have more than quadrupled their net...

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New PCC Facebook Page

Pharo Cattle Company has a new Facebook page.   We invite you to check it out and to “like” it and/or “share” it with your friends. PCC Facebook Page

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Green-Grass Calving (part 2)

In last week’s PCC Update, I talked a little about calving here at PCC.  We are two days past our due date and already have 26% of our calves on the ground.  This week I’m going to explain some of the things we look for and record at calving time.   The Body Condition...

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Green-Grass Calving

Calving season has begun here at PCC.  Our due date this year is May 14th, but with the calving ease (short-gestation) bred into our herd, our first calf came on May 4th.  In all likelihood, our cows will be 25% done calving by the due date.    As I was going through...

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