Herd Quitter Blog

Pharo Bashing and Bragging Rights

When I get bored, I sometimes lurk around on a few cattle-related internet forums.   I find this quite entertaining.   This also keeps me up to date on what members of the status quo herd are thinking.   There are more than a few self-proclaimed experts who appear to...

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Winter Calving

Without fail, members of the status quo beef industry start talking about calving every January.   Several beef publications start sharing articles and advice on calving.   Members of most internet forums start sharing their stories and thoughts.   There is much talk...

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Serious about Calving Ease

We are serious about calving ease – because our customers are serious about calving ease.   It doesn’t matter how much growth potential a calf has if it is born dead.   Dead calves have distressingly low weaning weights.   No one has even come close to selling as many...

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Worth the Wait

Our Spring Bull Sales will be among the last bull sales of the season – but we think they will be well worth the wait.   Where else can you find bulls that were produced by efficient, easy-fleshing, moderate-sized cows that have never been pampered?   Where else can...

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PCC Star Ratings

In addition to EPDs, weights, ratios and ultrasound data, Pharo Cattle Company provides star ratings for the following traits on our sale bulls.   A 5-star rating is the best – with 3-star being about average.  Disposition Calving Ease Cow Longevity Udder Conformation...

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The Ten Cannots

By William J. H. Boetcker (1873 – 1962) You cannot bring prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You...

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In The Beginning…

In the beginning, God created the cow to eat the grass and other forages that man was not able to eat or digest. I’m sure God’s original cow was very efficient at converting low quality forages into milk and meat. Because of her unique four-stomach digestive system,...

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Make Things Happen

Most people don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they never keep them.   They view them as a waste of time.   On top of that, it is discouraging and depressing when they realize they failed to keep the resolutions they made.   However, some people have a very...

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Random Thoughts from the Corner Chair

Happy New Year to all. By Brett Pharo (January 1, 2018) It was quite a ride in 2017.  Not always fun, but certainly interesting.  Much of the interest has been due to it being the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency.  For better or worse, whether you like him or...

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Does the World Need What We Produce?

To stimulate some outside-the-box thinking, I often ask cow-calf producers who attend my speaking engagements to raise their hand if they think the world needs the beef they produce.   Nearly all of the producers will raise their hand. Folks, don’t ever be deceived...

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